Artist Statement

The imagination is a flying airplane and the artwork is the runway through which it takes off.

In the realm of the architect, design always serves a specific purpose. A completed building, piece of furniture, the smallest technical detail or even grand designs should always be at the service of functionality. In technical drawings, every line, mark or symbol carries a precise meaning that must not be ignored. 

Fine art, by contrast, provides liberation. Within this space we are allowed to free ourselves from old concepts and constraints. We may grant total freedom to the observer, leaving any interpretation entirely to their imagination, allowing them to fill the voids, assign new meanings and create their own story. 
In my opinion, art does not need to always provide firm answers, but rather the sustenance for thought. 
With my art, I would like to open doors for the mind and the soul, but accompany the viewer no further than the entry point.    

While creating the collection Fragma, my aim was to provide art-lovers with complete flexibility when placing and positioning the pieces. The resulting system will allow the display to be adapted to any given space, or later to be renewed or rearranged. 
By combining the Penta P1 and P2 sets (Y37), the 10 pieces can be displayed in more than 13,640 ways. Thereby one can look at a different piece of art every day for 37 years! 

The choice is always yours 

Please go to the Portfolio page to learn more about the Fragma concept and to see the artworks

Copyright © 2023 
All Rights Reserved

All Content, Images and Artwork's Concept on this website belong to Tibor Polgar, and is protected by international copyright laws. 
No contents of this website can be copied, reproduced, displayed, distributed, republished, downloaded, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent from Tibor Polgar.

Artist Statement

The imagination is a flying airplane and the artwork is the runway through which it takes off.

In the realm of the architect, design always serves a specific purpose. A completed building, piece of furniture, the smallest technical detail or even grand designs should always be at the service of functionality. In technical drawings, every line, mark or symbol carries a precise meaning that must not be ignored.

Fine art, by contrast, provides liberation. Within this space we are allowed to free ourselves from old concepts and constraints. We may grant total freedom to the observer, leaving any interpretation entirely to their imagination, allowing them to fill the voids, assign new meanings and create their own story.
In my opinion, art does not need to always provide firm answers, but rather the sustenance for thought.
With my art, I would like to open doors for the mind and the soul, but accompany the viewer no further than the entry point.

While creating the collection Fragma, my aim was to provide art-lovers with complete flexibility when placing and positioning the pieces. The resulting system will allow the display to be adapted to any given space, or later to be renewed or rearranged.
By combining the Penta P1 and P2 sets (Y37), the 10 pieces can be displayed in more than 13,640 ways. Thereby one can look at a different piece of art every day for 37 years!

The choice is always yours

Please go to the Portfolio page to learn more about the Fragma concept and to see the artworks

Copyright © 2023
All Rights Reserved

All Content, Images and Artwork's Concept on this website belong to Tibor Polgar, and is protected by international copyright laws.
No contents of this website can be copied, reproduced, displayed, distributed, republished, downloaded, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent from Tibor Polgar.